Simple Widget Calendar Reloaded
A calendar widget for Android users, fully customizable and privacy friendly. Do you believe it !

Stay Organized
Professional meetings, personnal events, birthday, films and series release… You never miss important things.

Customize everything
Choose your favorite layout and customize everything like transparent background, gradient color, font size.

Calendars and events are stored into your phone. The widget use it and never send your data to internet.
Your style
Create your personnal user experience and forget the widget. It’s just your personnal phone. Try a new experience with calendars.

“Very simpe and interesting application ! It’s so fun to create my own widget !”

“I’m fed up with data leaks and publicity everywhere. This app is so simple and powerfull. I share ideas to help improving it.”

“Amazing ! We could do many more but it’s a great beginning. One thing is missing : I’d like to share my theme with my friends !”
Simple widget calendar reloaded is an Android project. You can download it on Play Store.